Friday, 25 March 2011

Michael Cole is my hero

Chris Masters vs Tyler Reks, Superstars 3/24

So much for the feud-ender a couple weeks back. Whatever, this was a tonne of fun. Masters easily getting the better of Reks and Reks blowing a gasket was tremendous. Loved the continuity, with Reks going after the ankle following the Swagger match from last Smackdown, hardly anyone else in the WWE is doing shit like that, and all of the legwork was kept interesting. Masters's chops were epic and Reks took multiple painfully awkward looking bumps to the outside. Masters selling was incredible as always, loved the spot with him crumbling to the floor when being whipped to the corner. Masterlock finish is always a W.

Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk, Smackdown 3/25

This was also good. Rey getting dumped on the barricade was nasty, and Punk was busting out all sorts of neat offence - crushing a guy half your size with a crossbody makes you the boss. The mid-air dropkick was a great comeback spot and Rey's asai moonsault was huge. The angle with Cody was also epic. Cody has never looked more badass headbutting people into oblivion with a protective mask. He looks like Doctor Doom.

Edge vs Drew McIntyre, Smackdown 3/25

This wasn't much. Drew needs to stop jobbing to a load like Edge. Hilarious listening to the commentators put over Edge as being smart for using a submission because he was unable to hit the Spear, moments before Edge Spear's Drew. I want to see Edge wrestle Davey Richards, just for the facial expressions.

Jack Swagger vs R-Truth, Smackdown 3/25

Cole burying Truth on commentary was truly excellent. "You don't even know what town we're in". The match just happened, but this was all about Cole being an obnoxious peice of shit, and it was truly spectacular listening. Booker was also gold, "You were in a dojo?".

Alberto Del Rio vs Christian, Smackdown 3/25

Del Rio's bump over the top to the floor and Christian's dive were both HUGE. Del Rio slamming Christian's arm on the step and his senton both looked brutal too, thanks to Christian's selling. When did Christian start doing Frankensteiners? That was also fucking cool. The finishing run with both men escaping each others finishers was also really good.


TheShockmaster said...

It was a really strong Smackdown that actually exposed Edge as one of the weakest wrestlers on the roster (well, I suppose he's better than R-Truth, for what it's worth).

Outside of Smackdown, Masters/Rex was also really good. I love Masters these days, and I maintain that Rex is good too.

Anonymous said...

Haven't caught Superstars yet but yeah, Cody, Punk, Mysterio, Christian, and Del Rio rule something fierce.