Monday, 14 March 2011

Homicide vs Moxley, DGUSA 1/30

Homicide vs Jon Moxley, DGUSA "United We Stand" (No DQ)

This was easily 'Cide's best match since his return to the indys and much closer to the Homicide we all know and love. There was no fork, but plenty of cool brawling all over the small venue with both guys beating beating each other up and smashing each other with chairs and gaurd rails. Moxley bled, 'Cide's hilo looked great and they manged to get that sense of wrecklessness which makes these kind of brawls so fun. Disliked the random Sky turn halfway through the match, and the Fingerpoke of Doom finish was mind-bogglingly awful, but Homicide kicking Moxley square in the balls before it was the ultimate dick move. Also Homicide going nuts and trying to cut out Moxley's tongue with scissors post-match was crazy.

Best Of 2011

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