Thursday, 17 March 2011


Dr. Cerebro/Los Traumas vs Virus/Puma King/Tiger Kid

This felt a bit like the New Year's Day trios in the same sense that it was a fun match I liked and is straight-forwardly enjoyable, but ultimately failed to stand out or blow me away. A lot of the match felt like "these guys just doing their thing", which is no bad thing when four great wrestlers are involved (Felino's kids looked pretty competant too). There was some solid matwork, some stiff shots and some cool and neat spots. It failed to really reach the point of being something I'll remember at the year's end, but I still had fun watching it.

Negro Navarro/Blue Panther vs Solar/Satanico

This was terrific. Four absolute maestros getting to show their stuff in a lengthy match. Everyone matches up against each other and every pairing was great. Navarro/Solar were mostly just doing their thing, but they still had some neat stuff like Navarro's swank triangle choke. Satanico is pretty much retired, and looked little off at points, but otherwise worked like a guy half his age and rocked on the mat as much as he ever did and I loved him and Navarro getting at each other before th bell. But really, Panther vs Solar was where this was at, with all of their exchanges being really superb and probably as good if not better than the best Solar vs Navarro stuff. The result was predictable, but who can complain at four of the best luchadors ever getting 30 minutes to tear it up on the mat? Great match.

Best Of 2011

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