Monday, 21 March 2011

Black Terry Jr. rides again

Black Terry/Negro Navarro vs Solar/Ultraman, Coliseo Coacalco 3/13

God bless BT Jr. filming these shows ran in the most surreal locations, the outdoor venues always look like a terrific place to watch wrestling. This was another installment of four great technical maetsros going at it, something which is always going to be enjoyable to watch. Solar cooling Navarro off after he lost an exchange to Ultraman was pretty amusing and got some laughs. Still the real highlight was getting an extended Solar/Terry match-up, with Terry having some great facial expressions and Solar trying to tie him up in knots.

Black Terry/Negro Navarro vs Solar/Ultraman, Arena Azteca 3/13

Same match, several hours later. These guys are real workhorses. This was mostly built around the never-ending Solar/Navarro rivaly with them being in the ring for most of it, though I wish there was more of Terry and Ultraman trading blows. Solar may have been the star of the match and looked great. Super-slick on the mat, good job of getting the fans going and he sold a chop from Terry like it was a gunshot at one point. The extended Solar/Navaro section in the final fall was especially great. They copied some stuff from the earlier match, but really that's to be expected. Two quality matches in the space of a day, God damn.

Virus vs Demus 3:16, CMLL 3/19 (Hair vs Hair, Loser goes back to the Mini's Division)

This was intense and hate-filled, but was more of a spotfest than a brawl. Still, an awesome spotfest with most of the spots being visually specactular and complicated. Virus's twisting springboard tornado DDT, top rope wheelbarrow/rana and ringpost armdrag were all crazy. He also butsed out some nasty submissions. Unlike most spotfests, this didn't outstay it's welcome or get stupid, either.

Best Of 2011

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