John Cena vs CM Punk, RAW 2/14
This was another really fun match between the two if not anything blowaway. Punk was on-fire here, just kicking the fuck out of Cena and even punching him square in the face at one point. Cena's comeback routine is really predictable and old hat at this point, but his power spots never fail to be impressive. Because of how much Punk was able to dominate the match, the dirty finish still felt like as decisive of a win as Punk will get over Cena.
The Miz vs Daniel Bryan, RAW 2/14
This was pretty great TV wrestling for the time it got. Miz's facial expressions and begging off were fantastic and he bumped bigtime Evan Bourne-style for Bryan's big spots. Bryan was also excellent, great stiff kicks, the flying knee was sick and his woozy dead-on-his-legs sell to set up the finish was just awesome. Great example of how a heel can go over clean but keep the challenger looking strong because of how much he pushed him. Only problem I had was the placement of the ad break. We leave with the brutally awesome neckbreaker apron spot and come back to Bryan kicking the dogshit out of Miz. Stuff like that makes you feel you are missing a big part of the match.
Chris Masters vs Tyler Reks, Superstars 2/17
This was solid but not even half as good as their match from the end of last year. Unlike that match, Reks brought pretty much nothing to this and it was a total one man show that was just Masters doing his thing. All of his facial expressions and selling were real nice, and his comeback had an explosive energy to it (including another awesome Sky High) despite the dead crowd.
The Uso's vs Yoshi Tatsu/David Hart Smith, Superstars 2/17
This was pretty bad. Uso's had a couple of nice double teams but otherwise are amazingly dull when in control. Hart's powerbomb was sweet but man alive was he goofy as fuck. The fuck was with that dance?
John Cena/Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/Edge/John Morrison/R-Truth vs CM Punk/Kane/Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler/Drew McIntyre/Wade Barrett, Smackdown 2/18
This was the sort of match where everyone just tags in for a few minutes, does some stuff and tags out again. No real structure to it outside Rey working a part as FIP and no one spotlighted effectively. Ziggler's counter to the Starship Pain and Punk kneeing Rey in the gut as he got tossed out the ring were the highlights, and Rey is always great as FIP. End run with everyone hitting their finishers was telegraphed as fuck, with everyone just watching on the apron until it was their turn.
The Miz vs Kofi Kingston, Smackdown 2/18
Jesus Christ Kofi has some of the worst looking kicks I've seen in a WWE ring. Kofi is just the shits - horseshit indy "innovative" moveset, laughable attempts at intensity and amazingly bad execution. Pretty much everything he does looks like it barely even connects. He is utterly interchangable with any random CZW junior, and now in the leagues of Davey Richards and Edge as a guy I will actively try to avoid watching. Miz was fine but no one is having a good match with this goof.
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