Sunday, 6 February 2011

Sekimoto vs Hidaka, New Years Day

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Ikuto Hidaka, Zero-ONE 1/1

This was really, really long, and really, really dull. This was a near 30 minute match, and the first half of it was entirely forgettable and uninteresting. After a while Hidaka targets Sekimoto's leg, but Sek never sells it and it never leads to anything dramatic. Much like last year's show, this had a unbearably bad crowd at Korakeun, and unlike Kawada/Sekimoto, the ring-work wasn't interesting enough to compensate. The match does pick up in the final third when it seems like they actually start trying, but by that point I had all but lost interest. Sekimoto may be a heavy, but this felt like another trite lengthy puro juniors "epic".

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