Sheamus vs John Morrison, WWE RAW 1/10
These two have managed to work up some real chemistry together and this was another good match between them. Sheamus was in control most of the way and he has become really great at working a guy over and keeping it interesting. Lots of nasty looking stretches, slamming Morrison gut-first onto the steps and cutting off a dive attempt with a knee to the gut were all sick. Morrison hits some pretty questionable offence which brings this down, but his selling was really good. One part near the end saw him struggle to get to his feet and fall on his ass, only for Sheamus to punt him in the spine.
The Miz/Alex Riley vs Randy Orton/Jerry Lawler, WWE RAW 1/10
Holy fuck was Lawler awesome in this. The mini-feud with the Miz has been a lot of fun but this was easily the best he had so far, beating the hell out of Miz and brawling like it was 1983. The guy is still great playing FIP and I loved all of his facial expressions and rallying the crowd behind him. Miz was also good with his cheating and pussing out against Orton. Orton and Riley were just there, but Lawler getting the win over Riley with Ortons assist is about as good of a conclusion to the mini-feud as possible, and was a nice way to keep the Orton/Miz momentum going.
Rey Mysterio/R-Truth vs Alberto Del Rio/Cody Rhodes, WWE Smackdown 1/14
This was solid, but really any match with Rey is going to be. Truth isn’t very good though, and brough the match down whenever he was in the ring. The finish also came off looking awkward.
Drew McIntyre vs Trent Barretta, Smackdown 1/14
Pretty fun squash. Drew was extra pissed off and beat the hell out of Trent. He back-handed the shit out of him. Drew’s reaction to the finish was also great.
The Big Show vs Wade Barratt, Smackdown 1/14
This was more about the angle than anything else, but the match itself was very very solid. The angle itself came off great too, and I am amped for Show vs Zeke.
Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger, Smackdown 1/14
This was pretty bad. Swagger was underwhelming and stuck to mostly restholds and Kofi was his usual bad self. The SOS is a terrible move, too.
The Big Show vs Dolph Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre vs Cody Rhodes, Smackdown 1/7
This was from last week but I forgot to comment on it (and its well worth commenting on). Everything about this ruled fucking hard. The angle with Ziggler was all well done, as well as the Wade interference, and the match itself was one of the best big-man matches in a long time. Show was tremendous at dominating the match and everyone else was willing to bump around for him (the best being Drew’s apron bump and Cody flying off the top rope onto Show). Loved all of the teamwork efforts to neatralize Show, and there was a real sense that they were all fucked once Show made his comeback into the match. This felt like one of Show’s defining performances and one of the best fourways in years
Surprised you didn't comment on Trent's awesome/stupid bump they replayed from a few weeks back.
That Four Way was indeed awesome. And the shout out to the Miz/Lawler feud which has definitely been the highlight of Miz's title reign so far.
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