Tuesday, 11 January 2011

More lucha

Negro Navarro vs Solar, AAA Arena Neza 1/8

There is only so much two guys can do to keep things fresh when they have wrestled each other on tape over a hundred times, and halfway into this it was looking just like more of the same. I am a fan Solar and Navarro but there is only so many times I can watch them trade the same holds (nice to look at though they are) over and over. Fortunately it picked up in the second half and both guys seemed to crank up the aggression and intensity, putting a bit more rigor and torque into their holds. They busted out a couple of nice new moves too, like Solar's judo throw into the vice. This didn't break away from the mould enough to be a great match but it was still good.

Black Terry/Negro Navarro vs Gran Apache/Angel Mortal, IWRG 1/9

Now this was much more up my alley. This was IWRG guys vs outsiders, so there was a much larger sense of animosity and hate. It was still worked like a maestros mat-wrestling contest, but the sense that these guys didn't take kindly to each other was pretty clear. Apache and Mortal fit in real well in this environment, and more than held their own against Terry and Navarro. Mortal in particular sold his ass off vocally and facially to make Navarro look like a badass. The first two falls things were kept civil but the built to them all snapping was great, with Navarro being a dick with handshakes and Apache getting his own back. The moment when Navarro blows a gasket and punches Mortal right in the fucking kidney was great, and the final minutes with everyone throwing fists was really chaotic. The first real MOTYC of 2011.

1 comment:

Andy said...

IWRG is probably the only company I'll make any effort to follow with some degree of regularity this year.

Terry was far and away my WOTY for 2010 and that 1/9 tag sounds like it might have to be the first match I watch from 2011.