Saturday, 29 January 2011

IWRG 1/23

Dr. Cerebro/Negro Navarro/Multifacetico vs Gran Apache/Mazada/Commando Negro

It was quite refreshing to see Navarro work against a lower down opponent and dominate him on the mat rather than work evenly - he was a fiend with some of the stretches and holds he locked Mazada in. Apache and Cerebro matching up didn't really blow me away, but was solid. Cerebro pulling Apache's hand away from the ropes as he reached out from an STF was neat, though, as was him limping after a leg hold. I've never seen Mazada before, but he was a fun heel here, one great spot (which benefitted from great camera work) saw him sneak under the ring then trip up an unexpecing Cerebro. The ongoing Apache/Navarro war was also fun. The third fall with the rudos brawling and beating everyone down was my favourite, and the technico's comeback had a really chaotic feel to it. Apache shitting a brick and running into the stands from a pissed off Cerebro was the highlight of the match. Commando and Multifacetico brought very little, but that doesn't stop this being a pretty fun match.

Black Terry vs Angel Mortal (Hair vs Hair)

This was actually a little underwhelming in the sense that it wasn't the MOTYC that is should have been, but the match's problems are the over-booking and shitty finish rather than the fault of the wrestlers. However there's still no way this could have not been good, and we get some damn fine gritty brawling in this. Mortal looked his best yet, just beating Terry to a pulp and working on his leg through the match. Terry was Terry, selling his ass off then coming back like a house on fire (on one leg). Both men bled and beat the hell out of each other, which is really all this match needed.

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