Sunday, 17 February 2013

Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler, Main Event 2/13

This was just a really, really fun match. It started off pretty ordinary, like something you'd see them work on a house show, but once Del Rio took that wicked shoulder bump into the post this became something worth highlighting. As you'd expect from this match, both guys took some really wild bumps that you wouldn't necassarily expect for a B-Show. Del Rio getting launched over the top and planted face first on to the steps and the huge reverse superplex were both spectacular. But there was some meat on the bones of the match too, and I thought Dolph did a really good job when in control. Entertaining offence and great timing on the cut-offs. Del Rio has transitioned into a face role almost shoickingly well - his mannerisms, body language, and the emotion he shows leaves you wondering why he was ever a heel in the first place. The crowd were hot, and Del Rio brought them to boiling point. Ricardo was also wonderful as always, loved the spot with him tossing a bucket ineffectually at Big E., and him drumming on the apron in anticipation for the superkick.

I haven't paid much attention to Main Event, but with matches like this it could quickly fill the void left by Superstars' descent into mediocrity. No angle or nonsense to ruin things, just two talented workers having an awesome match together and having a blast doing it.

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