Saturday 25 June 2011

The Briscoes vs The All Night Express, ROH "Revolution: USA" (First Blood)

This wasn't as good as their previous matches due to the stipulation, but was still another crazy, stiff brawl. Titus in particular seems to have really improved. First blood matches usually lack drama, and this was no different, but there was still plenty of nasty shots to the head, forehead biting from the Briscoes, headbutts, chairs getting tossed around and the like. Didn't love nor hate the screwy finish, but both Rhett's and Mark's bladejobs were really fucking gruesome.

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio, WWE Capitol Punishment

I didn't like this as much as their matches from last year, but it was still real good. There were plenty of cool spots like Rey getting dumped chest first on the barrier from Punk's senton counter and the ring post 619, but the best thing about this was how they kept the focus on the "Punk keeping the high-flier grounded" story. All of Punk's cut-offs were well timed, and Rey slowly fighting out of holds made the match feel like a real struggle. The crazy kick sequences was some Low Ki vs Red level shit, and the finishing run was great.

Randy Orton vs Christian, WWE Capitol Punishment

Following the theme for this post, this wasn't as good as their previous PPV match at all, but was still good shit. I think this confirmed that Christian working as a heel isn't half as compelling as Christian working as a babyface, but the real revelation for me was Orton. Over the last couple of months he has really developed into one of the best on the roster and knows how to play his role as the "ace". He not only worked fairly stiff, but his selling of the concussion injury angle was really great and gave the match some structure. As with their last match, all of the nearfalls were really big without being overkill, and the finish did a really great job of making me want to see the final chapter in this rivalry.

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