Vader/Jesse White vs Shinjiro Ohtani/Daichi Hashimoto, Zero-ONE 3/27
Vader was decent, looked the best he's done in almost a decade (which isn't really saying much), but even then I thought he probably sold too much for Daichi. The young guys are still green but thats not a knock on them (Jesse debuted last year and this is Daichi's third match), but they were too sloppy for this to be a good match.
Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett, TNA Lockdown (2/3 Falls)
What a festering pile of shit this match was. Sloppy as shit, utterly rote perfunctary opening falls, no sense of hatred at all, a whole bunch of recycled spots, Russo bullshit over-booking and some of the worst selling I've ever seen from Angle. On top of all that, its become extremely uncomfortable and unsettling to watch Angle continue to kill himself in the ring, someone should really step in and tell him he needs to stop because he's looking like he won't make it to 2015 at this rate. Worst match of the year contender.
Ric Flair/Matt Hardy/Bully Ray/Abyss vs Christopher Daniels/Beer Money/Kazarian, TNA Lockdown (Lethal Lockdown)
This was alright. Not really anything worth talking up, but Daniels's dive was nuts, Flair and Ray are still really entertaining despite their age and the ending was atleast a well booked pay-off, which is a rarity in TNA. Abyss is still unfathomably bad, though.
Need more love for Storm.
Did you catch Kurt Angle's tweet about his match with Jarrett?
"We kicked Butt. You need to see my match. Match Of The Year. Me @ Jarrett. What a great match. Jeff broke ribs. I dislocated my shoulder."
"Plez buy Encore. It was so good. I Love You all. U r my friends. It wad as good as Me and Shawn Michaels at W-Mania. It is Awesome!!!!"
I thought of you when he said it was as good as his match with Michaels at Wrestlemania.
Angle tries too hard. Wrestlers shouldn't aim to win "****1/2 match of the year" accolades.
And Storm smashing a beer bottle over Flair's head then beating the shit out of him in the corner was probably the highlight of the PPV.
Thanks Steve, agreed. Storm rules. Flair rules. They rule.
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